I Am Iron Man
Those who know me, know I am not too big on movies. I’m not sure why but they just don’t appeal to me. The only movies I really like are Austin Powers (the first 2 especially) and The Princess Bride. My life has enough drama without watching someone else’s. I like comic relief.
But lately I am on a movie watching tear (for me, anyway). Last week, I took my family to see “Iron Man”. Yes, we did go to the food theater. So what.
Before seeing the movie, I couldn’t imagine Robert Downey, Jr. as a superhero but he did a really great job. I think his appeal is his imperfection. People love flawed superheroes.
Perfection is not nearly as important as honesty and authenticity.
Anonymous Living
Just a few months after I started my blog I had to set up a filter in order to preview comments before they are posted.
I’ve heard it said before, but began to experience it myself, that the internet is a great place for cowards to roam.
The most interesting thing to me is this: all the weird comments that get left on my blog are always posted by anonymous commenters. I can assure you I will always filter out anonymous comments, no matter what they are.
If you have a viewpoint worth sharing, have the courage to put your name with it and stand behind your thoughts.
Anonymous living, at any level, is for cowards.
Church Pirates
Just came across this on Ed Young’s blog. What he says is so true. I have lived through “Church Pirating” episodes on more than one occasion. The real loser in the long run is great church people who get knocked out of the race because of this craziness.
I’m not sure if bringing this up will put a stop to church pirating or just slow it down some but it would be a great thing if this kind of thing stopped happening altogether.
99 Days - Serving
Summer is almost upon us and we are embarking on another 99 Days. It’s 99 days from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Last year we encouraged everyone in our church to pursue a dream that lay dormant in their heart for a 99 day period. Do something everyday for 99 days to move you toward your dream.
It was a good summer as some people read their Bible all the way through in 99 days or just worked on personal goals for a 99 day period.
This summer our 99 days is focusing on serving. 99 days of serving. We are encouraging every connect group in our church to find a place to serve in our city and in our church. We are putting together 3 big serving Saturdays once a month – June, July, August - for people to get together and make a difference.
June 21 - Serving at ABCCM
July 19 - Habitat for Humanity
August 16 - Work day at The Rock
We are profiling by video every week someone serving in our community. We also have a website set up for people to tell their story and get involved.
We are pushing 3 big values in our church right now:
• Love God – Worshipping God in church together on Sunday on a really consistent basis
• Lift People – get into a Connect Group
• Change The World – serve in the church and in the world
This summer is going to be about raising the serving culture in our church. Should be awesome!
And, as always, we encourage everyone to touch heaven everyday during our 99 days together.
Tree Hugging
This a picture of a tree we tried to save when we built our first church building ten years ago. I found out I was a closet tree hugger when all the bulldozers started knocking down these gorgeous oak trees. I actually shrunk our parking lot down in an effort to save a few of these trees. Finally, after 10 years, this tree is done. It’s sad to me. You just don’t think big trees should die.
A few months ago, I heard a great online interview with Tom Peters. The interviewer made a mention of a comment a master gardener had given her on his best advice on gardening. Tom went off in excitement over this concept
His no. 1 tip: People need to realize that all plants (shrubs, tree, etc.) have a life span and will die someday. Accept that fact.
So quit trying to grow things past their life span. Some things have expiration dates. It is a sad thing to let some things go but learn to plant new trees. Let go of your past and create your future.
Prince Caspian - and one of my girls
Had a date night with my 17 year old daughter Elizabeth this past weekend. We went to a local theater that serves food and shows movies. It’s a really cool concept. Watch a movie and have a waiter bring food to you as you enjoy the movie. Cool.
I love the creativity of merging concepts together. Put chocolate and peanut butter together and get Reece’s PB cups. Put chocolate and cherries together and get … Actually, put chocolate and any thing together and good things happen!
Always makes me think about how to improve the whole church experience. We have to consider the whole experience – from parking lot entrance to driving off the property – to beyond.
We saw “Prince Caspian”. There were some good lines and ideas in the movie but I didn’t think it was nearly as good as “Lion, witch and wardrobe”. It was very hard to follow for the first thirty minutes, the acting was less than stellar and some of the dialogue was a little cheesy. Why does there have to be so much “cheese factor” when we do Christian movies, music, etc.?
Anyway, I still had a blast hanging out with my amazing daughter. Who, btw, was just last week inducted in the National Honor Society. You go, girl!
Honest To God
We are currently in a series called “Honest To God”. It’s all about character, integrity, telling the truth, keeping your word and not lying.
I know this stuff is Christianity 101 but it is amazing the number of train wrecks I’ve seen with people missing the target on these issues. None of us is perfect but we can be honest.
Heavy handed moralizing and legalism is not our style or church culture. We just know life is better with integrity. True friends are ones we can trust.
Check out one of the videos we’ve used in this series:
Friendship matters
This is my great friend, Frank Loria. We have been friends for 30 years. My relationship with Frank is one of those “Jonathan and David” kind of friendships. We met when I was on the staff of a church that he and his wife started attending. Something clicked between us and our friendship has remained strong for a long time. No matter how long it’s been since the last time we talked, we can pick up like our last conversation was yesterday.
It’s funny how some people come and go through our life and others remain our friends for a lifetime. Fortunately, I do have a handful of long time friendships. They mean a lot to me.
The world could use a few more Frank Lorias. He loves God, loves his wife, loves his kids and loves his church. I don’t think there is a mean bone in his body. He has won hundreds of people to Christ through his easy going approach to trying to reach them for Jesus. He’s stayed faithful to his church for over 30 years. He’s stayed faithful to his wife for even longer. He’s been a great friend to me for a long time.
I’m glad God made Frank a part of my story.
John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.
Make Us Shine
We are so excited about participating in the One Prayer movement. I really do believe this is a God idea.
We taped our message for One Prayer a couple of weeks ago and have finally edited it down to fit the time limits given. I went a few minutes over and we had to trim down to make it fit. It was really hard to figure out what to take out.
Our message is “Make Us Shine”. It’s built out of Isaiah 60. While darkness is growing on the earth the church simultaneously rises up to shine even brighter for the glory of God.
We haven’t decided yet on the messages from other churches we will use. We’re going to look things over next week after all the videos are submitted and then make our choice.
This summer is going to be amazing!
Learning To Breathe
Just getting back in the swing of things after a great vacation in Destin, Fla. Destin beaches are some of the most beautiful in the world. Had a great time hanging out with my girl for a few chilled out days.
Played golf, ate great, got to leisurely read my Bible every morning with no where to go, met a few new friends, connected with some old friends, laid out on the beach. Ahhh…
A big shout out to my new friend, Pastor Steve Vaggalis, for letting us use his gorgeous condo right on the beach. Steve pastors a great, growing new church in Destin, Destiny Worship Center. He and his wife Jackie are knocking it out of the park with their ministry in Destin.
Had a thought today in my time with God:
“Prayer is breathing in heaven’s atmosphere”
Breathe deep!