My 99 Days Report

I am reaching the end of my 99 day journey and I thought I would write a little about it.

My 99 days were to include:
1. Walk every day - 30 minutes
2. Touch heaven every day
3. Write a book

Here's my report on my progress with all of those things -

I walked almost every day. Maybe missed 15 or less days. Not perfect but I feel good about it.

I did touch heaven almost every day. I think every day, to be honest. Meaningful Bible time, prayer time or worship time. Something every day. My favorite of all this was our 11 - 2 prayer time at church. Our sanctuary, with worship music playing and cool lighting. No one else there some times. A handful there other times. Really rich and chocolaty. Loved it!

My book efforts were the least successful. I started out pretty strong for the first 30 or 40 days. Then I faltered pretty heavily. Lots of stuff going on this summer that threw me off. I wish I could have plowed through it all and kept writing but I couldn't.

My idea for the book - "Solar system leadership" is still strong in me and growing even stronger. I do intend to get back to working on it.

I'm used to communicating through public speaking. Writing is proving hard for me but I will break through on this one.

To all who had the courage to try something for 99 days - Bravo!

Whether you did really well or not, remember you are loved - not because you are good but because He is good.


I'm not into tattoos. Not for the normal reasons most people give, though. I don't think there's anything morally wrong with having a tattoo. Actually, some people's tattoos look pretty cool to me. If someone wants a tattoo for them self, that's their choice.

My personal issue with tattoos is this: What looked cool to me when I was 20 doesn't look so cool now. What I thought looked so awesome then is a picture we would all laugh at now. I used to have a moustache that looked like the guy from Hall and Oates. Cool then. Really!! Stupid now. Glad it wasn't a tattoo.

To make a permanent mark on yourself with the viewpoint you happen to have now just doesn't make sense to me. 20 years from now it may look ridiculous.

I've seen "what was cool" change so much over my lifetime. I've seen dozens of looks and ideas that were so hip at one time but now appear entirely outdated.

I've had a lot of opportunities to get tattooed. The ways we thought looked so cool about church, money, evangelism, worship, discipleship, etc. 20 years ago all look pretty silly now.

I don't want to make (or take) a permanent mark on something I happen to like now. There has to be the freedom to evolve into a new day. Some old ideas and paradigms need to be shed to keep growing in life.

Cool sideburns, Elvis.

Solar Systems

I'm working on an idea. This idea is working on me as well. It's about a different approach to leadership than I've known in the past.

I started teaching on this last summer and it keeps growing inside of me. It's becoming a "big idea" for me.

Instead of viewing leadership as a "top down" management of people, projects, resources, vision and ideas - I'm seeing leadership as "solar systems".

A leader is the center of a solar system. There are still people, projects, resources, vision and ideas - but they are not managed from the top down. They more circulate in a solar system around the leader and his/her anointing, grace, gifting and call.

People are attracted to solar system leaders. They want to live in the atmosphere that flows out of their anointing. Great leaders create a world that their "followers" can live in.

Solar system leaders build a culture rather than organize a program. Which doesn't do away with organization or programs - just a realization that a culture is about the atmosphere of the place. A "square" program in a "round" culture will never work - unless it's constantly managed from the top down. This wears everybody out.

"Solar system" is about all of our relationships as well. So a thought on this - why not work on being attractive to your spouse, kids, friends, associates, etc? Don't push them away - draw them in with love, care, interest, keeping your soul well, etc.

How about our churches becoming more "attractive" and less "managed"?

Both, boss

A few years back there was a commercial where Jerry Jones (owner of the Dallas Cowboys) offered Deion Sanders 15 or 20 million to play for him. His reply "Both, boss"

I like the both, boss approach to living.

Should I be prosperous or sacrificial - both, boss

Should I be confident or humble - both, boss

Should I be devotional or an active revolutionary - both, boss

There is a conversation going on right now about whether the church should be attractional (Ya'll come) or missional (Let's go). Guess what I think? You're right - both,boss

We should gather for meetings. It's the Bible. Any other form of Christianity is non-Biblical. If we're going to have meetings, let's make them fantastic. The best 100 minutes of a person's week. Attractive in every way.

But when we're done - go into all the world and bring good news. Not because the church organized a program for you to reach out but because you care enough to make a difference.

Let's send attractive people out on a mission. Let's be on a mission to attract people to God and His house.

Both, boss.


I think having an abundance mentality opens our world up to so many possibilities.

Thinking scarcity makes people guarded, jealous, stingy and small. Got to protect my few pieces of the pie! And make sure no one else gets more pieces than I do.

Knowing God has created the world with abundance written into the code of things frees my spirit. Abundance is in the air because God is abundant - limitless. It's not just what He does - or what He gives - it's who He is. There is a river - unending abundance - that flows from the throne of God.

Abundance frees me to be generous - I know more is coming.

Abundance frees me to rejoice in other people's blessings and accomplishments - there's more than enough to go around.

Abundance frees me to try something new and fresh. If it doesn't work - no worries. There are more chances and opportunities.

Abundance frees me to think in unlimited possibilities.

Abundance is way more than just being about money. It includes money but limiting it to that is missing the point - entirely.

Abundance gives other people room to breathe. They see it different. They are different. It's OK. It's a great big world. God has created an abundance of colors.

Here's to your abundance!