My 99 Days Report

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 3:02 PM

I am reaching the end of my 99 day journey and I thought I would write a little about it.

My 99 days were to include:
1. Walk every day - 30 minutes
2. Touch heaven every day
3. Write a book

Here's my report on my progress with all of those things -

I walked almost every day. Maybe missed 15 or less days. Not perfect but I feel good about it.

I did touch heaven almost every day. I think every day, to be honest. Meaningful Bible time, prayer time or worship time. Something every day. My favorite of all this was our 11 - 2 prayer time at church. Our sanctuary, with worship music playing and cool lighting. No one else there some times. A handful there other times. Really rich and chocolaty. Loved it!

My book efforts were the least successful. I started out pretty strong for the first 30 or 40 days. Then I faltered pretty heavily. Lots of stuff going on this summer that threw me off. I wish I could have plowed through it all and kept writing but I couldn't.

My idea for the book - "Solar system leadership" is still strong in me and growing even stronger. I do intend to get back to working on it.

I'm used to communicating through public speaking. Writing is proving hard for me but I will break through on this one.

To all who had the courage to try something for 99 days - Bravo!

Whether you did really well or not, remember you are loved - not because you are good but because He is good.


  1. greg varney Said,

    keep writing, pastor! every time you bring up the topic, it challenges me more and more about how i relate to others.

    and pash needs to write her "the thought that got away" book as well. now there's something to chew on!

    Posted on August 30, 2007 at 6:03 PM

  2. praisedetail Said,

    If you write it... they will read.
    All kidding aside- if you write like you speak- conversation like,"relatable", humorous- well, I don't know of any body who doesn't love hearing you. Your messages- at least for me- are like listening to a really hip, wise, friend of God- who let's you learn while you laugh. A lot.

    Thanks for the 99. Didn't accomplish the goals I wrote down...but, what I've prayed on for and dreamed of for ,beleive it or not, EXactly 1,099 days- got handed to me on a big silver platter. That whole God's time thing...believing it big time!

    Posted on August 30, 2007 at 8:31 PM

  3. Davida Said,

    99 days... Well, I am inconsistently consistent so the concept of doing anything daily for that long of a period of time is a bit unrealistic.
    But, my goal was to isolate, contain, and develop a future strategy for dealing with the paper explosion that exists at my house. I launched out fairly well curtailing all paper-like products into my bedroom. The strategy was to drive myself bananas with the clutter and thus get rid of the paper. That part would have worked well given a few more months.
    Anyway, I now have implemented a somewhat unsuccessful method for containment of future paper problems. And, with days left, literally two, there is now a paper shredder in my bedroom and trash bags awaiting their plunder.
    I may not be able to get the dailies down, but by golly- the last two days are going to count... or at least I can hope it turns out that way..

    Posted on August 30, 2007 at 9:14 PM