
Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 5:09 AM

I think having an abundance mentality opens our world up to so many possibilities.

Thinking scarcity makes people guarded, jealous, stingy and small. Got to protect my few pieces of the pie! And make sure no one else gets more pieces than I do.

Knowing God has created the world with abundance written into the code of things frees my spirit. Abundance is in the air because God is abundant - limitless. It's not just what He does - or what He gives - it's who He is. There is a river - unending abundance - that flows from the throne of God.

Abundance frees me to be generous - I know more is coming.

Abundance frees me to rejoice in other people's blessings and accomplishments - there's more than enough to go around.

Abundance frees me to try something new and fresh. If it doesn't work - no worries. There are more chances and opportunities.

Abundance frees me to think in unlimited possibilities.

Abundance is way more than just being about money. It includes money but limiting it to that is missing the point - entirely.

Abundance gives other people room to breathe. They see it different. They are different. It's OK. It's a great big world. God has created an abundance of colors.

Here's to your abundance!


  1. praisedetail Said,

    ok- so I just went thru a day of agonizing over what amounts to a petty amount of money in the actual big picture... but spending that small amount on an unsure thing was a big deal to me- a big Faith deal- and I did it, and I was feelin' kind of nauseously committed...

    So, after my ungraceful leap of faith, I said, let's see what good ole' PK is thinking about today... I'm not sure how many times God is going to have to say "Duh..." to me, but this was one of them!!

    Thanks for the timely reminder!

    Posted on August 2, 2007 at 9:36 PM

  2. Davida Said,

    "God has created the world with abundance written into the code"

    Hmmm.. Nice!

    Posted on August 3, 2007 at 12:30 PM

  3. I love Jeremy Camps' song:

    The fog has finally cleared to see the beautiful life you've given me...

    I know that I've been given more than beyond measure
    I come alive when I see beyond my fears
    I know that I've been given more than earthly treasure
    I come alive when I'm broken down and giving you control
    I faced a great tragedy, but I've seen the works of what you bring
    A display of faith that you give
    I don't know if I will ever understand the depth of what it is you've done inside
    but I know I won't find any worth apart from you...........

    This song speaks to me of abundance.

    My daughter's favorite thing to do now is go outside to her swing and "swing and sing" all of the praise songs from church for hours.

    My oldest son who is 10 is determined he is going on a mission trip and won't stop asking us when he is going to get to go. I keep explaining that he isn't quite old enough yet, but he keeps asking.

    My step son has the most giving, generous, loving heart. He goes out of his way to serve others. He is constantly surprising us with loving acts.

    My youngest son loves to pray and when he does it is amazing. He is so young and yet his childlike faith and heart are so open to God.

    I call this Abundance..........

    Posted on August 6, 2007 at 12:54 PM

  4. KHawk Said,

    Becky - I love your posts! What better way to see God's abundance than thru our children. Our 15 year old daughter 'announced' a couple of years ago that our marriage would last forever because of God and The Rock. Our 13 year old constantly says "I know Mom, everything works for us...you say that all the time." Our two older children know stability and love will always welcome them when they are home from college. What a fantastic, abundant life we live!!! I have listened to the Blessings, Fruitfulness, and Prosperity series a gazillion times. I have bought at least 10 copies for friends and family. I want them to have what I have...how best to convey that? By being grateful for the ABUNDANT life I live every day. Basketloads of abundance to you PK.

    Posted on August 6, 2007 at 5:01 PM

  5. praisedetail Said,

    Driggers- you are the woman.
    Pastor Kirk- I used to think that I had lost a lot...I think I was just being pruned- and prepared for the true abundance I am now being blessed with.

    Thanks for always telling it like it is- and how it ought to be.

    Posted on August 6, 2007 at 9:29 PM

  6. greg varney Said,

    you and your church help me see God and life so much more clearly.

    thanks for all you do.

    Posted on August 8, 2007 at 4:40 PM

  7. kmarchand Said,

    Abundance can come in many different forms. Can it be abundance for resources or diversity, and etc? I can settle with the abundance of happiness and thankfulness. At times sleep and a vacation could be in abundance but I woke up this morning tired but ready to work for God. In my life meeting people is the most rewarding thing of all. If I went to a grumpy house and played catch with a grumpy dog and pet a grumpy cat and fed a grumpy fish and by the time I left they are happy in abundance, I did my part. Have a great day and live life not grumpy....Be always positive no matter what is thrown at you. Make someone smile today and you'll create abundance.

    Posted on August 9, 2007 at 9:20 AM

  8. greg varney Said,

    please, sir, can i have some more? (blogs, that is...)

    Posted on August 13, 2007 at 7:01 PM

  9. just found your blog, bro, hope all is well - i'm sitting in the CCC library listening to ryan smith jam out with the team in the auditorium above.

    abundance is an interesting thing -i think it's about keeping an open hand, holding things loosely while still being able to receive. poverty is so pervasive - it creeps up in every area of your thinking and life and must be constantly battled.

    the key, i suppose, is keeping a broad definition of abundance and recognizing that it comes in all forms. i feel so richly blessed in relationships here in sydney and i think that's such a huge part of abundance. relationship is half of the great commandment, and no one can develop it for us, we have to cultivate and maintain it. abundance and the blessing of God comes in so many forms, and i think it's very easy for me at least to forget that in a predominantly materialistic society.

    anyways, hope things are going well, i'll keep reading if you keep posting!


    Posted on August 13, 2007 at 11:07 PM