Guest Service Heroes

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 5:27 PM

Yesterday we had an appreciation luncheon for our guys who serve in guest services. What a great crew of men and women who so unselfishly serve people in our church.

Parking lot guys, front door greeters, sanctuary ushers, welcome center hosts, cafe workers. All great people who practically share the love of God with people week in and week out. No way our church would be anywhere near as great as it is without them.

These are the guys who come to church to give not just get. Who come to love not just be loved. Who come to serve not just be served.

I remember my first experiences in church. 18 years old. Fresh out of the drug culture. Didn't understand the culture of church at all. The music was awful. My first pastor used to preach messages with titles like "The Efficacy of the Atonement".

I could hardly understand anything about that little church. What I did understand was - these guys loved me just like I was. That was something I had never experienced before. Their love made the difference for me.

A great big thank you to all of our guest service team who help us share the love of God with people very single week. You guys rock!