I Finally Found What I'm Looking For

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 7:58 AM

With all respect to Bono......

Came across this video on Seth Godin's blog.

It underscores a concept I have held dear for a long time:
You always find what you're looking for

If we're looking for blue objects in a room, that's what we will find.
If we're looking for faults in someone, that's what we will find.
If we're looking for good things in that same person, that's what we'll find.
If we're looking for bad things in the world, that's what we'll find.
If we're looking for the goodness of God, that's what we'll find.

Our outlook depends on what we're looking out from

MAT 6:22 "The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.