Going With The Flow

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 4:01 PM

Still reflecting on my latest trip to Ghana and what a powerful event it was. I've been pondering an idea as a result of my time there.

The idea is: Find out what God is blessing and then become a part of it.

It's so much better than trying to get God to bless what we want Him to bless. God is good, but He is stubborn. He is God, we are not. So I want to go with His flow rather than trying to get Him to go with my flow.

This analogy always helps me : If I want the hand of God on my life, find out where His hand is and then get under it.

"Why change the world? Change worlds!"
Henry Miller

I want to get in the world of God's blessing and favor and then bring others in with me.


  1. Cheetah Said,

    When I leave the purpose of God, and try to go my way for whatever reason, I lose his grace, his blessing, and his protection. I soon find myself struggling trying to move forward. I have learned to let God lead, and as you say, follow his path. When I stumble, as we all do at times, getting back up and moving under the hand of God allows me to ask for forgiveness and move forward in faith. God is stubborn, and at the same time, he can be so forgiving when we validate our change of heart with action. God bless the Rock of Asheville for the hearts and lives changed by the word of God.

    Posted on November 14, 2007 at 9:07 PM

  2. Davida Said,

    So, the first person who get's in the middle of something that God wants to do is going with the flow? Is that innovation, inspiration or just plain bold?

    Posted on November 20, 2007 at 5:18 PM

  3. Cheetah Said,

    Or could it be Faith, from life experiences. I know what it's like to be outside his influence. I move forward when I'm back in his grace.

    Posted on November 20, 2007 at 10:25 PM