
Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 4:49 PM

After 42 hours of travel (each way) , I returned late Saturday night to Asheville from Kumasi, Ghana. The trip was grueling but it was well worth it.

Partnering with Dr. David Shibley and Global Advance ministries, I had the opportunity to minister to 1,500 pastors and leaders from around Ghana.

It was amazing! I felt swept up into something greater than any of us could have put together on our own. It was a God moment. God is up to something great in Africa.

Some highlight reel moments for me.

1. Watching every single one of those guys sow into an offering to help sponsor another conference for leaders to be held in northern India. What a holy moment as they gave unselfishly from what little they have to help someone else hear the gospel.

2. While I was teaching on "The power of a proclamation", I encouraged them to take a minute to proclaim the praise of our awesome God. The Holy Spirit took over the meeting and for 15 solid minutes we all declared the greatness of God. It was electric.

3. At the end of the conference, Dr. Shibley called them to commit to plant at least one new church in the next 12 months and for some of them to go cross cultural if they would. Watching hundreds and hundreds of guys stand with determination to answer that call was so touching. It wasn't just the numbers but the presence of God in the moment was powerful.

The African pastors and leaders are such beautiful people. Humble, serving like crazy and completely sold out to God and His cause on the planet. They all danced in worship like little kids. Joyful and without a care for anything but expressing their praise to God. It was fun to experience.

Thank you to all who prayed with us. Your prayers affected a nation!


  1. Davida Said,

    "God is up to something great in Africa."
    "The African pastors and leaders are such beautiful people."

    I'm glad your back safe. Beautiful, beautiful people..

    Posted on November 12, 2007 at 10:21 PM

  2. Pash Said,

    You are speaking, and my soul is quiet.
    I see faces.
    I hear the roar of voices lifted with unashamed abandon to the only true God of the universe...the sound that echos every person through the ages who has been given a chance at life with the only true God of the universe, and have answered that call with passion.
    I can only imagine what that 15 minutes would have been like.

    I am also thankful that over a thousand people heard the voice God has given you, and responded because you are one who allows Him to speak through you...every time...and they did not take that for granted. They heard the voice of God though you and responded because they know HIS voice.
    That is incredible.
    "It's about time..."
    Welcome home, Pastor.

    Posted on November 14, 2007 at 9:53 PM