Hills To Die On

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 2:14 PM

Tonight we're having a Family Fun Night for kids and families. It will be a safe and family oriented way for kids to dress up and play and eat lots of candy. And have fun.

It's something we like to provide for our community. A way to bless. A bridge we're building.

I can remember the days when we used to almost boycott Halloween. It was the devil's day and we would have nothing to do with it. Certainly, there are some gruesome and yucky aspects to Halloween that I wouldn't really want to endorse.

I even preached messages against Halloween.

Now, I don't see Halloween as a hill to die on. I'd rather use the opportunity to build a bridge rather than build (yet another) wall.

There are some hills to die on. No question. The Lordship of Jesus, the Cross, the Bible as God's word, Salvation.

But when there's a chance to bless and build a bridge I'd rather do that than fight a battle for a hill that's really not worth dying on.

1 Comment

  1. It seems like people are always ready to build walls, and not so willing to take them down again. Giving grace, accepting people, and enjoying the differences is a gift. I have cherished learning from two very gifted people.

    Posted on October 31, 2007 at 9:01 PM