Asking or Telling

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 1:16 PM

"The leader of the past knew how to tell, the leader of the future will know how to ask" - Peter Drucker

Because we live more and more in a niche-oriented, knowledge economy asking is becoming far more important than telling.

People on your team - in family, church or business - most likely have more knowledge than the leader in a certain niche of expertise.

Great leaders create solar systems where collective knowledge flows freely. It's not even the job of the leader to know it all. And then tell everyone what to do. Their role is to create environments where those who know best can share - what they know best. Everybody wins that way.

Obviously, this includes more listening than talking. More questions than answers. But I think it will lead to better answers.

A good question is far better than a bad answer.

I think this is why my mom always told me there was a reason God gave us (me) two ears and one mouth.


  1. praisedetail Said,

    you are one smart dude...

    after my can't be wrong period of life, and shortly following my know it all stage- i entered into the i know this is a stupid question phase ,where i felt the need to qualify every question that might make me appear less than knowledgable.

    recently, i entered the i know next to nothing zone, and now, ask ridiculous questions at any given moment.

    soon, i hope to make a short trip to a permanent residence in the land of well rounded- where my pride will be replaced by humble confidence - and a desire to talk, exchanged for a willingness to listen.

    Posted on October 18, 2007 at 6:15 PM

  2. greg varney Said,

    I remember going over the "he who has ears to hear" scripture in Sunday school back in the day. I try to remember it, and ask God to let me hear what I need to hear (even if it isn't always what I want to hear).

    Posted on October 18, 2007 at 9:07 PM