It's a Beautiful Day

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 9:37 AM

Today is a magnificent day. The weather is stunning. Crisp, clear, fall colors. This is the kind of day you move to Asheville to experience.

I'm officiating a wedding for two very special people today.

Gary Johnson - my golf buddy. Gary is such a great guy. He serves in Kids Church, helps the elderly and single moms fix their homes. Always ready to help anywhere he's asked. And a heck of a golfer, to boot.

Debra Parker is a great lady. Been in our church for 15 years. Loves to pray. Been a great friend to Suzette. A very special person.

Their wedding will be a lot of fun to be a part of.

Tomorrow we kick off a short (2 weeks) series - Party! We're going to develop a party theology. Then after service we all get to hang out at our Connect Group Fair and help people get started in building life-giving friendships.

Should be fun.

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"