
Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 8:41 PM

Our 2007 Unforgettable Women's Conference just wrapped up. This year was absolutely amazing!

Some highlights:
- About a third of the conference was brand new girls invited by friends and family. This is a culture for the conference that Suzette has been working for several years to build. Very fulfilling to see the invite factor rising.
- 40 men volunteering to serve the ladies. They were amazing.
- Watching all the volunteers pour their heart into making this a great event. They were having a blast serving together.
- Worship was amazing!
- Our ladies stepped up to sponsor 95 kids!!! with Food for the Hungry. The FFTH guys were astonished by the generosity. They expected 20 or so sponsorships from our size group. It is so great to pastor a church with so much generosity
- Of course, Holly Wagner. She is world class in every way. We are blessed to have her come.
- The whole event felt great! Videos, worship, gifts, messages, the big tent, all the details were in place
- The ladies are way better than the guys at creating atmosphere
- God moved!

Thank you to all our volunteers and paid staff who worked so hard to bless our ladies. You rock!


  1. julied Said,

    I am quite sure Jesus is well pleased when He thinks about the conference and what took place there. His daughters were loved on, gifts were give to them (in the natural and spiritual), they were prayed for, and each one heard great life-altering teaching from three generals in God's army.

    I know that God had a brilliant plan for the conference and a lot of His people yielded their time and resources to be the hands and feet of Jesus. His plan became a reality because of willing people.

    One thing that still stands out to me about the conference was the new level of unity and family that I experienced. The volunteers functioned as a fantastic team that seemed to move as if they had worked together for years.

    No bickering or nay saying -- just a bunch of people that love God, love His church, love each other!!!, love people, and that are willing to work together with one common goal, one voice. What an honor to serve God with a group of people that are so noble!

    This conference goes down in my heart as one of my all time favorites -- it truly was unforgettable! It created a wave to allow us to continue taking Asheville and our region for the glory of God!

    Posted on October 8, 2007 at 6:38 PM

  2. This year's conference had a nice flow to it. There was a grace covering it and it felt good. Nice!

    Posted on October 9, 2007 at 6:07 PM