
Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 6:51 PM

Today was a great day at church. We are exploring the idea of legacy. Leaving one and receiving one.

David had a vision for the house of God in his heart but the work was handed to Solomon - the next generation. It takes both parts of the equation to pull this off.

This is making me reminisce on people who have invested into my life. There have been many. I am standing on their shoulders.

Some of them have really messed up along the way but that doesn't take away their investment into my life. I am grateful for all of them. Warts and all.

I love the creative communication of today. Videos depicting the vision of C2. People placing pictures that represent their sense of legacy. Interviews with teenagers who really love God but are still very much teenagers. And a short message.

I love our teenagers and I'm VERY proud of them. I want to encourage them to be themselves and I want to invest into them so they can run past me to create the future.

I have been given something by many great people. I hope I'm doing the same for others. Even with my warts and all.


  1. rick Said,

    Legacy. Few words are as profound as this one. This series by PK is really resonating with me.

    Posted on May 6, 2007 at 9:33 PM

  2. greg varney Said,

    started my connect group last night and looked around at a group of guys (including myself) who are all standing on your shoulders.
    yesterday was a blast! and i have to add that christian is making some flippin' awesome commercials for upcoming events!

    Posted on May 7, 2007 at 12:23 PM

  3. praisedetail Said,

    So, just for kicks, I look up legacy in the dictionary...Webster's says inheritance..cool.

    And underneath, a whole slew of leg related words- all stemming from the same..

    legate- official rep.(we are sent!)
    legato- in a smooth and CONNECTED manner

    There was one word in particular that made me say,Yes! Legation.. by definition means diplomatic mission headed by a minister.

    I am about to head off on a mission trip. This word, legation, made me feel like maybe my legacy isn't tied up in having kids of my own. My legacy might not be inherited by someone who even knows my name. Maybe, my legacy is just that I was connected, and I was sent....

    Posted on May 8, 2007 at 7:24 PM