My 99 Days

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 10:44 AM

Today I begin my 99 day journey.

I'm working on 3 things for 99 days:
1. Worship - I want to pray and be in the word every day for 99 days. I want to touch heaven and let heaven touch me. Every day.
2. Walk - I want to walk (exercise style) every day for 30 minutes.
3. Write - I want to write every day. I'm working on my "solar system, irresistible leadership concept" book.

Sorry for the illiteration on the ideas. My mind has been trained to do that by so many years of presenting messages. It helps me wrap my brain around ideas.

If you are a part of of our church (or even if you're not) please register your 99 day journey on our website. We're looking forward to what can develop out of this.


  1. greg varney Said,

    hey pastor! loving this 99 days theme. hope we can get the thing trademarked, and use this thing every summer. think of what a community of believers could look, act and believe like after 5-10 years of enhancing their lives every summer on purpose! the love, passion and transformation over that steady amount of time... it could be incredible!

    Posted on May 28, 2007 at 10:09 PM

  2. praisedetail Said,

    Illiteration is illumination...listing a goal is a goood thing, writing down how I am going to accomplish it helps me bring it into being.

    I think I'm gonna write down my 99 every day - in the morning. At night, I'm going to put on paper what I actually accomplish- see how they add up.

    Posted on May 31, 2007 at 8:01 PM