Golf, GPS & God

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 6:08 PM

I love golf! And I love gadgets! So, small wonder I love golf gadgets. The best of both worlds.

I try to only buy the good golf gadgets. Not the stupid ones. At least most of the time.

My wife calls me "Pastor Gadget".

So anyway, my latest golf gadget is a "Sky Caddie". It's a GPS device that tells you exactly how many yards you are away from a green. It's awesome. It tells you exactly how many yards to the front, center and back of the green.

What an amazing day we live in. A GPS satellite in space can communicate with a device the size of a cell phone and tell me exactly how many yards I am from a given target.

Using my Sky Caddie the other day got me to thinking about God being completely dialed into the minute details of my life. The Bible says He knows the number of hairs on my head. That's more than I even know about myself.

Of course, if you don't have any hair on your head - He's still dialed in to you.

A yard is one step. If a satellite can tell me when I've taken one step, then God can know exactly where I am and what's going on with me - at all times. At every step.

Be encouraged - God knows and cares about exactly where you are. Every step of the way.


  1. greg varney Said,

    thanks for the reminder, Pastor. as one who appreciates the details, I'm comforted to know that God does as well.

    oh, and you were ON FIRE Sunday morning! DANG!

    Posted on March 26, 2007 at 10:22 AM

  2. Shane P Said,

    has pastor, ive read a couple of these. i really like this its cool, it really is another side to. oh yeh the joke about the God still being dialed into bald peoples lifes, brilliant in a cheesy way, but hey i laughed.hehe

    Posted on March 27, 2007 at 8:12 AM

  3. Davida Said,

    Sky Caddie... Hmmm.. :)

    Posted on April 1, 2007 at 2:14 PM