This is your life

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 2:35 PM

Saw Switchfoot at The Orange Peel last night. Amazing! They have written such incredible songs that describe longing and hope simultaneously. They are a great live band, putting a unique twist and sound on each song. Live better than the record! Imagine. We were all singing along at the top of our lungs. It was really fun!

The Orange Peel is intriguing to me. It's like a bumblebee. You know they're not supposed to be able to fly but they do. No A/C. We had to stand on wood floors (for hours!). Pretty basic, almost beat up decor - but it all works.

I'm always curious about places that work. Restaurants, churches, stores. Some click. Some don't.

Teaching about some of this at church. Putting "The Plus Factor" of serving on all arenas of life.

I so want the church to be an amazing place of life and hope for people. I think God deserves an amazing church, as well.

So we had a volunteer fair after church yesterday. Great buzz. Great feel . Lots of new people getting plugged in.

It's been fun to interview people in church and get their story of how involvement has benefited their life.

Some people seem to want to choose to be bystanders in life.

Some people just jump in and make the world a better place. I like the "jumper inners"!!!


  1. YES! switchfoot is great in concert... saw them once and i'm quite jealous i missed (what i've heard was) one of their best last night. i'm with you about the orange peel, too. who would think that a cramped, hot, relatively plain shack could be a major magnet location these days. is that one of those "it's what's on the inside that matters" kinda things? hmmmmmm. nice blog, PK... i like it!

    Posted on March 19, 2007 at 3:29 PM

  2. greg varney Said,

    Switchfoot rocked it last night! It was a musical, dramatic, face-melting, worshipful experience. My ears are still ringing, and I love it!

    (let the blogging begin!)

    Posted on March 19, 2007 at 3:33 PM

  3. njw Said,

    I love your new blog PK! I will say though that the Orange peel has a "distressed design" not "beat up"!

    That's may take anyway!

    Can't wait to see what else you write!

    Nikki Jean

    Posted on March 19, 2007 at 4:39 PM

  4. Michael B Said,

    Glad to see you blogging PK! It's gonna be like Bonus Insights without having to wait until Wed/Sun. Very cool!

    Posted on March 20, 2007 at 10:31 AM

  5. Coral Said,

    Hooray for jumper-inners!---looking forward to doing the Volunteer Fair again this Sunday!

    Posted on March 23, 2007 at 8:04 AM

  6. Pash Said,

    SWITCHFOOT lyrics have been running around in my head all week! I remembered during the concert that I have them all over my 2005 Vision board - that certain CD's affect certain times in your life in a positive, life-boosting way. That was Switchfoot then - and now I can re-visit those lyrics and measure where my life has come since. Cool.
    PASTOR, thanks for blogging - for putting your thoughts out there in a different way...stripped down. I think it's gonna be a fantastic vehicle...
    ...Stripped down...that's what the ORANGE PEEL speaks to me. It's not the way to do everything in life, but that atmosphere seems more about the content of the bands that play than the decor. Plus, it gives that "loft" feel - big, spacious, for the imagination to fill in the blanks. That may not be the intent, but that's what hits me when I go there.
    Here's to more of your THOUGHTS inspiring more lives...

    Posted on March 24, 2007 at 12:57 PM

  7. philzown Said,

    Speaking of the durability of the Orange Peel. Add this to the mystery of its appeal, back in the day - a roller skating birthday party and the Christian coffeehouse days. I never bowled there but some did.

    Posted on March 28, 2007 at 10:50 PM

  8. Davida Said,

    Sweet Blog. I wonder about environment, what makes one thing work and another not work. There seems to be a current that no one is aware of but everyone follows.

    Posted on April 1, 2007 at 2:57 PM