A Lesson from Family Force 5
I love concerts. The whole experience of live music, all the people, the vibe, the feel, the atmosphere.
Last night – Family Force 5 and Flyleaf at The Orange Peel.
There was an opening band even before FF5. They were good enough but it is tough to be an opener. Anyway….
FF5 is a fun band. That’s all. They are Christians but they are not trying to do “Christian” music. They are just fun.
My big thought from watching them: Confidence is a very cool thing.
They are totally comfortable with who they are and what they do. Confidence exudes something amazing.
I heard someone say once that actors need to get over needing to have the approval of their audience. That “need” puts something in the atmosphere that is counterproductive to their performance.
I think it’s important to be confident – in God, in your calling and in who you are. It helps everyone around you relax. It helps you fulfill your call.
“Don’t throw away your confidence. It has great reward” Hebrews 10:35
Amazing Weekend
Just finished an amazing weekend and I’m toast today.
Incredible Men’s Conference. Stellar Worship. Fantastic Videos. Hilarious Competitions. Lots of Food. Powerful Messages. Incredible God Moments.
All so good!
Thanks to all the volunteers and our staff who put their whole heart into making Men’s Conference a complete success.
Hopefully I’ll have some pics for later in the week.
Church yesterday. Amazing!!
Church is growing like crazy right now. In numbers and in health.
What can I say? Too many great things to elaborate on.
Certainly a highlight for the day was watching everyone write the names of friends and loved ones they want to see get saved on the prayer wall. A powerful moment. I just wanted to hang around in that moment for a long time.