Something Big is Up!

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 10:28 AM

We just had an incredible prayer meeting last Saturday night. 225 people were there, giving themselves wholeheartedly to worship, praying and seeking the face of God for 90 minutes. Together. It rocked! It seemed like 15 minutes.

Our whole church is fasting and praying for 21 days. I know of dozens of other churches that are doing the same thing. The Jentezen Franklin tribe. The Awakening tribe. There are probably other tribes doing the same thing.

I think there are hundreds of people fasting and praying in our church right now. I don’t think it would be over-estimating (misoverestimating. grin.) to say hundreds of churches are fasting and praying right now. Do the math. Hundreds of churches times hundreds of Christians. That would mean at least a million Christians fasting and praying. Maybe multiple millions.

Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah and God agreed to spare the city if they could locate 10 righteous people. Unfortunately, they couldn’t even locate 10 – and you know the rest of the story.

When people put down the church in America it totally baffles me. American church is not perfect – because it’s full of people who are not perfect. There will always be room for improvement, no question. But there are some things that are really right about church. This Prayer & Fasting movement is one of them.

If God would save a city if He could find 10 righteous and now we can find millions of people fasting and praying, I think this postions us for something amazing from heaven.

Something Big is Up!


  1. Oh God wants to do such great things.........Rock Church, lets make ourselves available to Him!

    Posted on January 15, 2009 at 12:37 PM

  2. greg varney Said,

    have i told you that mega worship & prayer is the thing that really made me feel "home" at the rock and made me want to stay?

    'course, back then it was "first fruits prayer" monthly.

    loved it tons then.
    love it even more now!

    Posted on January 15, 2009 at 7:49 PM

  3. L Said,

    Hey Pastor Kirk - Laretha from The Rock of KC. Great post...think big, live big, give big! I love it.

    Posted on January 21, 2009 at 2:52 PM

  4. Priscilla Said,

    Hey--I had a dream about 3 days after our fast ended. Everyone at the Rock was having their homes worked on by the best contractor available. We all had paid a little but were getting a lot more work done than we had paid for. Michael Bolser was there overseeing the work and making sure that it was going smoothly. Also, our daughter (who is now 26) was about 2 or 3 years old in the dream. I understood that to mean that God is not only building our houses, He is also restoring our family members. How is that for confirmation?

    Posted on February 10, 2009 at 3:48 PM