I Dream

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 11:01 AM

I dream of a church:

Accessible enough to people who haven’t embraced Jesus yet and spiritual enough to grow those who already know Him

Full of mystery and decidedly practical

Big enough to make a difference and small enough (connect groups) to provide intimacy and care

Great big sounds of worship (think U2 concert) and every person entering into an intimate personal worship experience

Lots of fun and laughing and enjoying the colors of life and enough character to not abuse those beautiful gifts from God

Positive, uplifting, encouraging, faith-filled, go for it, you can do it, God is on your side, everything works out for you, God is good, you are gifted, you are valuable and compassionate enough to be touched by people’s hurts

Non-judgmental of others and totally committed to a holy life that pleases God

Modern and ancient

Embracing all the promises of God and totally in touch with the reality of the world we live in

All about the presence of God and all about loving people

Fantastic, life-filled, inspirational, totally cool meetings at church and taking it all to the streets outside of the church meetings

I have a dream .....


  1. greg varney Said,

    let's make that "we dream"!

    Posted on July 28, 2007 at 9:57 AM

  2. Davida Said,

    It's a good dream.

    Posted on July 28, 2007 at 8:53 PM

  3. Coral Said,

    ...to be culturally relevant in Asheville, that sounds like the yin and yang of a great church culture...I guess anywhere on the planet for that matter. Move over MLK, PK has a dream!

    Posted on July 29, 2007 at 3:31 PM

  4. philzown Said,

    Over 75 years ago, after a revival swept through Asheville, the rock church (now Cornerstone Church on South French Broad), a church that came into being from that revival was having services in their new sanctuary. During their services one of the ladies regularly climbed down a ladder into the unfinished dirt basement and spent the entire service face down on the floor, arms outstretched, praying. That's dedication! Join in seeking that level of devotion and dedication. I dare you! No, that doesn't mean you have to lay on a dirt floor, but if you were convinced it would help, would you? Believing, total dedication and devotion, touch the heart of God! According to the Message Bible, Solomon asked for a "God listening heart". That sounds like a great direction to go spiritually!

    Posted on July 31, 2007 at 10:42 PM