Graceful Transitions

Posted by Posted by Kirk Bowman On 7:12 AM

One of the things we work really hard on in creating great services is making sure our transitions are thought through and coordinated well.

You can have a great song list and really be entering into worship but then lose it because of a poor transition between songs. The transition needs to be practiced as well as the song itself. This idea applies to all dimensions and aspects of a service.

Transition is a part of all of life. The page turns. Old chapters end. New chapters begin. God keeps writing the unfolding story.

Many church people seem unable to make graceful transitions. This may be true for all people in transition but most of my experience is with people coming and going into church.

It amazes me how people feel the need to demonize the church or the direction or the leadership in order to validate their need to move on. They seem to feel the need to throw mud (or worse!) around on their way out. Is that really necessary?

I think a new mindset is needed on this. How about being grateful for what you have received and then if a person feels God turning the page leave with blessing instead of cursing. Why do anything to damage the house of God? Why cast stones just to make your decision look right? If it's time to go, transition gracefully.



  1. Davida Said,

    My neighbors moved yesterday. It was time for them to move on I suppose, but I miss them. I look over and the car park is empty. I don't think I like transitions healthy or not.

    Posted on July 11, 2007 at 5:31 PM

  2. praisedetail Said,

    Deep sigh...

    Ya know, I can understand bitter- I've been there...but, bitter towards God's house, or an appointed leader...? I guess the "all in" concept still eludes a few people. In pledging loyalty to God or His house- you are
    in turn swearing fidelity to the leadership of that house- and it's members. Just because you feel like leaving- doesn't give you liscence to talk trash on your way out the door. It's like saying- boy, that president,he just ticks me off.Even I could rule the free world better. and his hair is so stupid. Thats it, I'm moving to Slavonia where I can be me.

    From someone who has lived in "the desert" for a while- I felt a bit of righteuos anger rise up while reading this post. Why can't these people understand they have been planted in the middle of a "Genesis" oasis...

    Leaving? ok, I suppose some really do have valid reasons. I left. My reason seemed valid at the time. Leaving and dumping toxic waste behind you.. no justifying that- and I'm bothered that any pastor has to deal with... well, such ignorant boneheads- and sorry for the people missing out on greatness. I'm guessing these people tend to move thru life painfully- with little grace for anyone, including themselves. Sad.

    On the lighter side,have you seen Charlie and the Chocolate factory- I liked what happened to the obnoxious complaining kids(ok- somebody should probably pray for me now).

    Pastor Kirk,Thanks for being such a rock. I'll pray for grace like rain tonight.

    Posted on July 11, 2007 at 11:26 PM

  3. michaelb Said,

    Been there, done that.....grown up now. It's like being a reformed smoker. You look at it with even more distain than someone who never smoked. Trash talking transitioners need to remember first and foremost that God and his church are greater and much more important than them and their petty narcisism. Wait ... how do I really feel

    Posted on July 12, 2007 at 5:37 AM

  4. [pastopher] Said,

    it pains me to see people who have been uplifted, blessed and transformed in a church, trash the very place where that happened. Being in teen ministry, it reminds me of some ungrateful teenagers who all of the sudden resent and disrespect their parents. And for what? Sustaining, feeding and helping them...I guess this is why Jesus hated religion so much.

    you're awesome PK!!!

    Posted on July 14, 2007 at 9:26 PM

  5. greg varney Said,

    fardo - being embarrassed for others when the don't feel embarrassment for themselves.

    as someone who often sticks his foot in his own mouth, i have fardo for people who behave with such immaturity. they think they're making their "enemy" look bad, but all they're doing is showing their own true colors.

    Posted on July 16, 2007 at 7:03 AM

  6. hmmm Said,

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Posted on July 21, 2007 at 9:06 PM

  7. philzown Said,

    If there is discomfort with change, the question comes to mind "Where is the basis of your comfort?". Where does your sense of security come from? Does your security come from "the routine"? Who or what created "the routine"? At the Rock, God's anointed pastor and his chosen staff created the routine. Therefore if the pastor and the his staff change "the routine" it should not make you unreasonably uncomfortable. Does your security come from your own "sense of rightness"? What or who created your own "sense of rightness"? Your past experiences and who you have decided to be have created your own "sense of rightness". If you are totally committed to God as a real living person and are totally given to aligning yourself with Him, then you will either recognize the anointing of the pastor who built the Rock and adjust your "sense of rightness" or you won't. If you don't then you obviously owe it to yourself for find a church where you recognize the anointing of the pastor. If in the process of moving yourself along to the new church, you can't resist "trash talking" about the church you are leaving (the Rock) then you obviously haven't mastered several of the spiritual fruit, gentleness and kindness. That's really sad!

    Posted on July 24, 2007 at 8:44 PM

  8. KHawk Said,

    Paul and Timothy felt this way when they told the Corinthians in verse 4:12: "While we're going through the worst, you're getting in on the best!" The great news for our Church is that PK is just like Paul and Timothy and we (our Church) get the benefits. Verses 13-15 go on to say "We're not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, 'I believed it, so I said it,' we say what we believe. And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive. EVERY DETAIL works to your advantage (that us Church!) and to God's glory: more and more grace, (hhhmmm...haven't we been talking about grace lately?) more and more people, (yeah rah!) more and more praise! (I love this part!!)

    Posted on July 26, 2007 at 9:27 AM