Christine Caine roundtable
I just had the privilege of attending a great round table with Christine Caine from Hillsong Church. It was hosted by Matt Fry of C3 Church right outside of Raleigh. Matt leads an amazing church. 10 years old and already running 4,000 on Sundays. He and his wife, Martha, are so real and down to earth. We enjoyed a great dinner at their home – Daniel Fast friendly! They are a great couple leading a great church.
Thought I’d share my notes from Christine’s talk – and our discussions - on what makes Hillsong Church work:
Hillsong is not trying to be a worship movement
Mainly focused on reaching the lost in their city
Bigger church - bigger issues
1. Ownership
Because it's our church
Don’t come because of great programs
It has to be your vision - not just get behind my vision
2. Relationship
Close friends with the Houston’s but always keep them as senior pastors
Doing life on the run
Make the adjustments
Change and transition are not the same thing
3. Loyalty
Presencing the senior pastor well at every level
Absalom drew people to himself
This is especially needed with multiple campuses
Loyalty does not come by being paid
Christine has never been on paid staff at Hillsong
4. Flexibility
“The world of the moving goal posts”
So needed at high levels of leadership
Has to be present in Holy Spirit led church
Systems are to serve us - not us serve them
Spontaneity essential
5. Longevity
Hillsong doesn't grow overnight
She is least at 20 years of being on the team
Senior leader has to provide the right umbrella for this
90% of their leaders come out of the youth ministry
6. Submission
Come under the mission of the church
Matt. 8 - under authority
7. Passionate
No bureaucracy
Don't institutionalize
Nothing slick about them
Stay Undignified
Vision is as strong as the cause it's attached to
8. Empowerment
Especially the next generation
Absalom built a monument to himself because he had no sons
Not built around a man
The prize is always home
Not - the prize is out
Their Leadership pipeline is through Connect Groups
99.9 per cent unstructured leadership development
Advisory Teams
Back in the day, I saw a lot of abuses and problems with the typical “elected deacon” approach to church government.
Authority was given to deacons – who were not called to full time ministry - and responsibility was given to pastors – to pretty much carry out the deacons wishes. This meant the church was not being led by the vision and calling of the ministry but by people who were not really called to ministry.
The first time I saw a church led by the ministry, I was amazed at the positive difference it produced.
Since then, I have been completely committed to the “elders” of the church being comprised of people called to full time ministry.
In my reaction to all this, I do think I went a little overboard in the past in trying to insure only the ministry was leading the church.
Now – our church has an amazing advisory team built out of some phenomenal leaders in our church. The primary leadership and direction for our church still flows out of the ministry leadership. Our advisory team serves as eyes and ears for our church – as well as sharing the load of creating amazing church. We invite their unfiltered input on everything but ultimate authority for direction still resides with the elders.
We just met with our advisory team last night and they are the best! What a great time - eating, praying, sharing ideas and laughing together. The healthiest leadership team we have ever had in our church.
Jesus Moved On
Matthew 12:15 – The Message
Jesus, knowing they were out to get Him, moved on. A lot of people followed Him, and He healed them all.
Interesting – There were people who didn’t want to follow Jesus. They were even antagonistic toward Him. Out to get Him.
Jesus moved on.
A lot of people followed Him – they all got healed.
Leadership Lesson:
Move on from those who don’t want to follow your leadership.
Bless those "lot of people" who do follow you. Enjoy them.
Make an Event Out of It
I love all the celebration revolving around the inauguration of our president. It is important to make an event out of things that really matter.
Too often, we let birthdays or anniversaries or other special moments of life pass us by without making a big deal about. I think we should – make a big deal about it.
Don’t let the big moments of life pass you by without some kind of recognition.
Candler Jones and Prayer
Just for fun. Candler Jones on prayer. From our CORE series
Candler jones 2 from Rock Church on Vimeo.
For you locals - don't miss this Sunday - it's going to be great - CORE continues
Something Big is Up!
We just had an incredible prayer meeting last Saturday night. 225 people were there, giving themselves wholeheartedly to worship, praying and seeking the face of God for 90 minutes. Together. It rocked! It seemed like 15 minutes.
Our whole church is fasting and praying for 21 days. I know of dozens of other churches that are doing the same thing. The Jentezen Franklin tribe. The Awakening tribe. There are probably other tribes doing the same thing.
I think there are hundreds of people fasting and praying in our church right now. I don’t think it would be over-estimating (misoverestimating. grin.) to say hundreds of churches are fasting and praying right now. Do the math. Hundreds of churches times hundreds of Christians. That would mean at least a million Christians fasting and praying. Maybe multiple millions.
Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah and God agreed to spare the city if they could locate 10 righteous people. Unfortunately, they couldn’t even locate 10 – and you know the rest of the story.
When people put down the church in America it totally baffles me. American church is not perfect – because it’s full of people who are not perfect. There will always be room for improvement, no question. But there are some things that are really right about church. This Prayer & Fasting movement is one of them.
If God would save a city if He could find 10 righteous and now we can find millions of people fasting and praying, I think this postions us for something amazing from heaven.
Something Big is Up!
American Idol - Season 8
Suzette and I watched American Idol last night. The whole thing – 2 hours long. It seems it’s going to work again as a major show for the 8th season in a row.
Lots of “copy cat” types of shows have come out since Idol. But none of them seem to reach the audience Idol does.
Makes me think. And wonder why.
One reason American Idol seems to work comes to me – they connect you to people and their story. There are weirdos, talented people, heart tugging stories and not so nice people. You see all kinds of people and are given a chance to connect with their story.
We all want to connect with people’s story. I think this is the draw Facebook has on me right now. I get a daily glimpse of what people are thinking and doing. I’m drawn to it. It even feels a little bit voyeuristic.
People are interesting. We are all drawn to connect with their story.
Excellence Is Not Fun
I have a strong commitment to living a life of excellence. God is a God of excellence and I want to be like Him.
My hearts cry for many years has been for the church to walk in a level of excellence that would bring glory to God. No more second rate for God. He deserves our very best.
I’m reading a new book, “Talent Is Over-Rated” by Geoff Colvin. His premise is: It isn’t really talent that separates super achievers, it’s disciplined practice in areas that stretch you. It’s an interesting theory and he makes a great case for it.
He says – Most people settle into mediocrity in life or sport or business or whatever because they will not practice in areas that stretch them. The “stretch zone” is the only place growth occurs. And the stretch zone is not fun. It’s hard. Really hard.
So – the path to a life of excellence is developed in a “no fun” zone. That’s why there are so few world class achievers.
Candler Jones and the Mall of Doom
For the creative element in our CORE message series we are doing a series of videos on “Candler Jones and the Mall of Doom”. FYI to those not in our church – our church building is in Candler, NC. Check out this opening video. We’ll have a new one every week built around our CORE themes. Lots of fun.
Candler Jones 1 from Rock Church on Vimeo.
Invite a friend and be in church this weekend.
Any That Pisseth Against The Wall
Sunday I talked about reading your Bible on a regular basis. I’m convinced that regular, consistent Bible reading and prayer are the two “big rocks” we have to get in our schedule. They will make all the difference in our lives.
It’s not rocket science and it’s not new. But it works!!
I also encouraged our church to read a translation of the Bible they can understand.
Check out his verse in KJV:
1Sam. 25:34 For in very deed, as the LORD God of Israel liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadst hasted and come to meet me, surely there had not been left unto Nabal by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.
I mean, honestly, who talks like that anymore.
I’m just sayin ….
Get the first button right
When you get the first button right on your shirt, it’s easier to get the other buttons right. If you miss on the first button, all the other buttons are always off.
This is one of the long standing axioms in our church: Get the first button right!
Looking forward to an amazing 2009 and we are trying to get the first button right.
1. Our whole church is on a Daniel Fast from Jan. 5-25. Lots of prayer times included. Cafe open with worship music Mon.-Thurs. from 11-2. Mega worship night Jan. 10 from 6:00 to 7:30.
2. We are encouraging our church to read through their Bible in 2009. Here is an online version of our guide. We also have print versions available.
3. New series – Core. Practical basic core practices that will take you to another level with God. Greatness in any arena always requires mastery of fundamentals. We’re covering: Read your Bible, prayer, church attendance, the right friends, giving/serving.
Had a blast yesterday talking about reading our Bibles - and "he who pisseth against the wall". You had to be there ....
2009 – Let’s make it great!