Spiderman 3

Just went to see Spiderman 3 a couple of days ago. Amazing!

I'm not a big movie person. Maybe 4 or 5 a year. But I love the spiderman series.

I loved Marvel comics as a kid. Spent my entire 10 year old weekly allowance every week on comic books. Mostly Marvel.

Spidey 3 deals with revenge and forgiveness. And does it well.

Forgiveness is releasing yourself from the hurts others have inflicted. Holding on to vengeance only eats you up on the inside. Let it go. No use in carrying that hurt around forever. They may have hurt you in the past. Don't let them keep hurting you.

If you haven't seen Spiderman 3, Go!

My 99 Days

Today I begin my 99 day journey.

I'm working on 3 things for 99 days:
1. Worship - I want to pray and be in the word every day for 99 days. I want to touch heaven and let heaven touch me. Every day.
2. Walk - I want to walk (exercise style) every day for 30 minutes.
3. Write - I want to write every day. I'm working on my "solar system, irresistible leadership concept" book.

Sorry for the illiteration on the ideas. My mind has been trained to do that by so many years of presenting messages. It helps me wrap my brain around ideas.

If you are a part of of our church (or even if you're not) please register your 99 day journey on our website. We're looking forward to what can develop out of this.

Do it WOW

Another one of our work culture mantras:
Do it right, do it now, do it wow

Do it right - with excellence
Do it now - overcoming procrastination
Do it wow - put some extra on the ordinary

I like these ideas for all of life, not just work.

Do it right - We want to do the job right the first time. If we don't have the time to do it right the first time, how will we have the time to redo it to make it right.

And .... if it's for God (and isn't everything!) He deserves our very best.

Do it now - Just get started. Get going. Now. Most things are not as hard as we think, if we'll just get going. A bunch of piled up, undone procrastinations makes you stressed out.

Do it wow - Go the second mile. The extra touch, the extra five minutes. Of thought or time or effort. Put a signature of extraordinary on whatever you put your hand to. As Seth Godin says "Quit trying to be perfect, start being extraordinary".

99 Days

We're doing a cool thing this summer.

From Memorial Day to Labor Day is 99 days. We're asking everyone in our church to choose an area of their life and focus on it for 99 days. Every day for 99 days.

Take something you've been dreaming about. Or planning to do. Or know needs your attention. And give it your attention every day for 99 days.

Read your Bible all the way through in 99 days. Work on your weight. Or fitness. Your marriage. Write a book. Produce some art. Write songs. Build a business. Focus on your kids. Just give it attention every day for 99 days.

We're asking people to register their 99 day journey on our website. We're going to pick 4 people and follow them through their journey (with their permission) and produce a "reality show" regular update based on their 99 day journey.

Should be a lot of fun.

New Signal - Old Receiver

This is an interesting idea.

An old fashioned instrument - an antenna - can receive a new kind of signal - HDTV.

Two sides to the story for me.

1. No matter how advanced we get we still can't beat the old fashioned fundamentals of personal prayer, personal time in the Word and some solitude to gather our soul and stay tuned in to heaven.

2. The other side - there are are some fresh new signals coming in. We can't stay stuck on analog when God is sending digital.


Back to our work culture mantras.

#2 - Yes, Whatever it takes.

I love a "Yes" mentality toward life. Yes, I'll help. Yes, that's possible. Yes, I can do that. Yes to cooperating.

A way back side note - one of my favorite groups as a teenager - Yes.

Yes is positive. It finds the bright side of things. The up side of things. The best part in people. The possibilities in life.

Faith, hope & love - all positive things.

No. But. Maybe. Even yes, but. These are all inferior ways to approach life.

Starting with a yes in your spirit gives you a head start on the field.

To some, this is only positive mental attitude. To which I reply "A positive mental attitude is better than a negative mental attitude any day of the week.

Say yes to God. To life. To the people you love. To life. To your dreams. To yourself.


Today was a great day at church. We are exploring the idea of legacy. Leaving one and receiving one.

David had a vision for the house of God in his heart but the work was handed to Solomon - the next generation. It takes both parts of the equation to pull this off.

This is making me reminisce on people who have invested into my life. There have been many. I am standing on their shoulders.

Some of them have really messed up along the way but that doesn't take away their investment into my life. I am grateful for all of them. Warts and all.

I love the creative communication of today. Videos depicting the vision of C2. People placing pictures that represent their sense of legacy. Interviews with teenagers who really love God but are still very much teenagers. And a short message.

I love our teenagers and I'm VERY proud of them. I want to encourage them to be themselves and I want to invest into them so they can run past me to create the future.

I have been given something by many great people. I hope I'm doing the same for others. Even with my warts and all.